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OUTPUT 1 – Innovative Teaching Program ITP – Output Type Course / curriculum – Design and development •Writing 3 open courses materials:

Basics of pneumatics: 15h/semester lectures + 15 h/semester exercise

Electro pneumatic systems: 15h/semester lectures + 15 h/semester exercise

Optimization of the Energy Consumption of Manufacturing Systems: 15h/semester lectures + 15 h/semester exercise

•Producing the final of version of these courses in English

•Uploading the materials on the platform both in Macedonian and English

•Involve its team’s expertise, gained during previous ERASMUS + projects, also on the area of energy efficiency in buildings and production facilities. Creating a learning content on the topic. It is relevant from the point of view of the overall resource efficiency in manufacturing and its optimization, which is one of the core topics of the project

MULTIPLIER EVENT – Mini conference in Bulgaria

•Contacting potential participants

•Delivering PP presentations in English